12 nm
14 nm
1650 MHz
1168 MHz
1815 MHz
1244 MHz
8 GB
4 GB
15 Gbps
7 Gbps
256 bit
256 bit
495 GB/s
224 GB/s
116 GP/s
40 GP/s
349 GT/s
159 GT/s
11 Flop/s
5 Flop/s
192 °F
194 °F
250 Watts
120 Watts
114 fps
47 fps
96 fps
35 fps
112 fps
43 fps
122 fps
49 fps
147 fps
58 fps
111 fps
48 fps
92 fps
25 fps
103 fps
54 fps
GPU Architecture | 12 nm vs 14 nm | GPU architecture size is (2nm) 14% smaller |
Shading Units | 3072 vs 2048 | (1024) 33% more Shader Processing Units |
GPU Clock | 1650 MHz vs 1168 MHz | Clock speed is (482MHz) 29% higher |
GPU Boost Clock | 1815 MHz vs 1244 MHz | Boost clock speed is (571MHz) 31% higher |
Memory Capacity | 8 GB vs 4 GB | (4GB) 50% more VRAM Capacity |
Memory Speed | 15 Gbps vs 7 Gbps | Transfer speed of the memory is (8Gbps) 53% faster |
Memory Bandwidth | 495 GB/s vs 224 GB/s | Memory bandwidth is (271GB/s) 55% faster |
Texture Mapping Unit (TMU) | 192 vs 128 | (64) 33% more Texture Mapping Units |
Render Output Unit (ROP) | 64 vs 32 | (32) 50% more Render Output Units |
Pixel Fill Rate | 116 GP/s vs 40 GP/s | Pixel Fill Rate is (76GP/s) 66% faster |
Texture Fill Rate | 349 GT/s vs 159 GT/s | Texel Fill Rate is (190GT/s) 54% faster |
Floating Point Per Second | 11 Flop/s vs 5 Flop/s | (6Flop/s) 55% more Floating Point Operations per minute |
Rise of the Tomb Raider | 114 fps vs 47 fps | Rise of the Tomb Raider - 1440p: (67fps) 59% more frames per second |
Shadow of the Tomb Raider | 96 fps vs 35 fps | Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 1440p: (61fps) 64% more frames per second |
The Witcher 3 | 112 fps vs 43 fps | The Witcher 3 - 1440p: (69fps) 62% more frames per second |
Metro Exodus | 122 fps vs 49 fps | Metro Exodus - 1440p: (73fps) 60% more frames per second |
Battlefield 1 | 147 fps vs 58 fps | Battlefield 1 - 1440p: (89fps) 61% more frames per second |
Far Cry 5 | 111 fps vs 48 fps | Far Cry 5 - 1440p: (63fps) 57% more frames per second |
Assassin's Creed Unity | 92 fps vs 25 fps | Assassin's Creed Unity - 1440p: (67fps) 73% more frames per second |
Resident Evil 2 | 103 fps vs 54 fps | Resident Evil 2 - 1440p: (49fps) 48% more frames per second |
Graphics Card Power | 250 Watts vs 120 Watts | Power consumption is (130Watts) 52% higher |