How it works?

Compatibility Check

It allows you to check if part is compatible with your current build.

  • Motherboard compatibility - processor, cpu heatsink, memory, graphic card, storage, case fit
  • Processor compatibility - motherboard, memory, cpu heatsink, psu
  • Memory compatibility - motherboard, processor
  • Heatsink compatibility - motherboard, processor,case fit
  • Graphic Card compatibility - motherboard, case fit
  • Power Supply compatibility - power calculation, case fit
  • Storage compatibility - motherboard, case
  • PC case compatibility - motherboard, graphic card, storage

Hardware Score

Allows you quick and easy view hardware points & score differences.
The points range 0 - 10.
The score range 0 - 99999.

Compare Navigation

It allows you quick and easy to see comparison of the left side versus the right side hardware

  • - The left side hardware won
  • - Both hardware are equal
  • - The left side hardware lost

Benchmark Overall Result

Allows you to see a hardware position in the hardware list

  • - A hardware is in the highest position of the hardware list
  • - A hardware is in the middle position of the hardware list
  • - A hardware is in the lowest position of the hardware list